Special gym wear should be worn during exercise. Gym wear should keep warm, breathe, protect the skin and reduce damage. Gym wear should not be too tight to wear on the body, the joints should not be obstructed, and joint movement should be restricted.
Buying gym wear can’t just choose beautiful clothes, the material of the clothes is the most important. Everyone knows that the body temperature will rise and sweat during exercise, so some people often wear cotton clothing to absorb sweat. They overlooked one point. Although cotton clothes are good at absorbing sweat, they are not breathable and cannot distribute sweat well, so that damp clothes will stick to the skin after sweating, reducing the temperature of the skin. Especially when the temperature difference is large, it is easy to catch colds and catch colds after wearing cotton clothing for exercise. Therefore, when you exercise, you should choose a comfortable, relatively well-permeable blended material clothing.
For women, you should also consider wearing a sports bra. Sports bra is a special bra that protects the breasts without hindering the movement when women do various sports. Sports bras have good elasticity and supportability, which can not only fix the chest from the impact of vibration, but also facilitate the flexibility of limb flexion and extension, as well as good ventilation function.
Wear suitable socks during exercise, too tight or too loose are not conducive to exercise. Too loose may cause blisters. Too tight will affect the blood circulation of the feet and cause discomfort during exercise. It is not advisable not to wear socks during exercise. Change damp clothes in time after exercise, otherwise symptoms such as sweat spots, rheumatism, and arthritis may occur.